Kate's new book called "Anxiety Hacks" has just launched on Amazon


Kate's new book called "Anxiety Hacks" has just launched on Amazon 〰️


One small positive thought  Poster Crop.jpg

It all began with an idea. A light bulb moment. A thought.

I had spent the last 22 years working as a therapist and helping people but I wanted to reach a wider audience. A book would do it but my problem was I couldn’t write! Oh, how I have proved myself wrong.

So let me introduce you to my now…4 books…plus 4 colouring books.

 “What a great and helpful book this is! Kate's personal story touched me deeply and it is so inspiring to read how she got out of the vicious cycle of her bulimia habits.
She writes in an encouraging, positive, empathetic and humorous style. You feel like sitting next to her and having your biggest cheerleader in her. She provides a myriad of powerful techniques for people to stop bingeing and purging. And these techniques can not only help for this specific behavior but also to break other negative thought- and belief patterns.
It is a truly powerful book for people struggling with bulimia, for parents whose children are suffering from it, for people who have other types of negative thought- and belief patterns, and for anyone interested in this important topic that is still too often tabooed in the public realm.” Judith.

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“The battle within you today is giving you the strength

you will feel tomorrow.”


 “Reading Bulimia Sucks has been a game-changer for me. I think the techniques that the book has laid out is a go-to guide long after your first read. I can apply it to many areas of my life that I want to take back into my control. Bulimia Sucks and how Kate tells her personal story has inspired me to live through challenges with a toolbox that I can take and use when life gets in the way of my plans. Bulimia is not my challenge, however, thankfully my friend referred me to this book. They see clearly that with repetition I can apply these tools to overcome my anxiousness and make healthy choices with what and why we eat to live. Thank you to my friend for seeing me in this wonderful read which will now be only a reach away so that I can have my tools handy. A five-star for a compassionate way to lead others to self-control and giving me a light in my hard days. I am imagining me clearly now and I love who I see.” Colleen.



    Are you sick of your bulimia?

    Do you want to learn how to stop your compulsive behaviors once and for all?

    If YES is your answer, fantastic, then Bulimia Sucks! is exactly what you've been looking for. In this eating disorders book, Kate will show you the same way she helps her clients begin their recovery with the Bulimia Sucks! Program. Taking you from sick to freedom!

    You may be wondering how this program is different?

    Well, have you ever tried to reprogram your mind before?

    In Bulimia Sucks! You will learn astounding new approaches to reprogram your mind and discover how to:

    Stop bingeing & making yourself sick, abusing laxatives, diuretics & compulsive exercising.

    Break through your negative thoughts, feelings, triggers and urges.

    Improve your negative body image & reach and maintain your ideal weight without starvation.

    Stay motivated to propel you into your bulimia free future.

    “ This book is just what I needed to gain perspective on my ED situation and ways it’s presented in my life. Going through the book it’s a beautiful mix of relatable memoir with expert psychological guidance and actionable steps to recover. I purchased the workbook also to help aid in structuring my recovery in a way that’s easy to access and also realistic in adopting positive change Into my life. Thank you SO much Kate for sharing your wisdom and experience with the world, your work is powerful and an excellent pillar to help recover from the terrible experience of living with an eating disorder.” Sally


    Bulimia Sucks! Personal Workbook is an inspiring, motivational and practical exercise book for anyone with bulimia - male or female. This workbook will show you how you’re going to begin to break through the multitude of negative thoughts, feelings, triggers, and urges with motivating, powerful tables, worksheets, and many approaches to reprogram your mind.

    Inspiring yourself to:

    • Learn how to stop bingeing & purging, abusing laxatives & diuretics, or compulsive exercising.

    • Reach and maintain your ideal weight without starvation.

    • Motivate yourself to propel you into your positive, bulimia-free future.

    This workbook is to be used either:

    • In conjunction with the book, Bulimia Sucks! 10 Simple Steps to Stop Bingeing & Purging. It contains golden nugget bonus tables, exercises and learnings to work alongside the techniques within Bulimia Sucks!

    • As a standalone powerful personal workbook.

    “An incredible resource for anyone suffering with bulimia. Informative and motivating from page 1; this workbook provides you with a multitude of practical techniques for changing your underlying beliefs and creating new healthy habits. Kate even addresses feelings of resistance to using the techniques and how to follow through with your recovery action plan “ Dr Rachel Evans (PhD. CPsychol) specialist in eating disorder recovery



    Kate’s book Bulimia Sucks! and Journal together will help you overcome your eating disorder and feel fantastic.

    Your personal food journal is approximately A5 in size, lightweight. Giving you the guidance and inspiration to help in your recovery. Including:

    3 MONTH MOTIVATIONAL GOALS: Allocated space to set inspiring, achievable goals.

    EASY TO USE FOOD LOG: Undated, 3-month food diary, with assigned spaces to record your food eaten. Daily goals, water intake and your 5 a day!

    FOOD TRIGGER TRACKER: Keeping track of your triggers, thoughts and feelings is a key to changing your behaviors.

    DAILY PROGRESS TO SUCCESS PLAN: By listing your daily successes, you can incorporate them into the next day to help keep you focused and inspired.

    DAILY TECHNIQUE REMINDER: List what empowering techniques to use to begin to unlock your secrets to bulimia freedom.

    “This personal food journal is what you will need and love to work alongside the book, Bulimia sucks! It plants seeds, keeps me motivated and I have changed my difficult behaviors. These books have transformed my life.” – Meg


Are you exhausted by constantly feeling anxious or worried?  

Are you looking for easy strategies to help you overcome your explosive anxiety?  

In this conversational and life-changing book, anxiety psychotherapist Kate Hudson-Hall will teach you step by step the techniques, tools, and tips taught to thousands of her anxiety clients. Finally, overcome your fears and anxieties and enjoy a healthy, happy life. 

You will learn how to:  

•          Take yourself from being completely overwhelmed by your anxiety to showing you easy ways you can learn to cope with your anxiety behaviors and instantly calm yourself, some, in less than 90 seconds. 

•      Create your own toolbox to manage your stress, worry and anxiety that work.            

•          Improve your life with the support of the FREE companion course containing downloadable worksheets and bonus videos of Kate demonstrating each powerful strategy revealed throughout the book.  

If you or someone you know is struggling with Anxiety, Worry, or Panic Attacks? Then this anxiety book is full of proven, tried, and tested strategies that can help with anxiety, start to work immediately, and is recommended by therapists.

"What makes Anxiety Hacks so special is the sheer volume of techniques available. I already know a fair amount about managing my anxiety so discovering so many new approaches was a lifesaver. Open the book to any page and you will find a new solution to calming your mind. Hudson makes each 'hack' easy to follow by breaking it down into an easy-to-follow recipe. Her recommendations are so effective because they come from decades of deep psychiatric study and providing one-on-one client therapy. I keep one copy of Anxiety Hacks at home and I'm getting a second copy for work!"

ANXIETY HACKS: “As somebody who lives with Anxiety this book is really helpful and full of easy-to-digest information with different techniques that can be used daily to help ease anxiety. I have practiced many of these hacks and they are really helpful. I'm thankful that Kate has written so openly about her own experience too, knowing that she really does understand on a personal level too is so important. Thank you for writing this :)” Amazon customer

BULIMIA SUCKS! “This book is a good read for anyone that has an eating disorder, or for those that want to learn more about eating disorders. The author walks you through her life story & explains how her eating disorders - anorexia & bulimia developed for her. There is a lot of relatable information in this book for anyone who is struggling with an eating disorder. There are also many exercises throughout the book that you can do to help you break the negative patterns that come along with eating disorders. This book provides ways that you can change your negative thinking pattern into a more positive pattern. The author provides demonstration videos for the different techniques that you can use. I really enjoyed watching these videos. I also really liked the structured eating program that the author has provided. This way, you already have a meal plan in place, and you do not have to stress over what you should eat at each meal, or throughout the day. This is important because, behind everyone with an eating disorder, there is so much more to that person. We must not let the eating disorder define who they truly, are.” Kandy


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This works for both iOS and Android devices.

Take out your camera app, make sure it can clearly see the code, and wait for the notification to appear. That’s it!

Once you’ve scanned the QR Code, a notification should pop up on your phone. Tap that notification and it will take you straight to Amazon. Voila!

  • Bulimia Sucks! QR Code

  • Bulimia Sucks! Personal Workbook QR Code

  • Bulimia Sucks! Personal Food Journal QR Code

  • Anxiety Hacks AR Code

 “What an incredible resource offered by a survivor and thriver after Anorexia and Bulimia. This book is worth all your time. The personal experiences and professional solutions offered are gems. So much effort has gone into making sure the reader has immediate, practical hands-on tools that can be put into practice right away. I found this resource very helpful and as a coach myself, I have gained so much practical wisdom that I can implement right away! I highly recommended this book.” Anita

An Audiobook that speaks WITH you. Poster Crop.jpg

Bulimia Sucks! Audiobook


felt very passionate about narrating the Bulimia Sucks! audiobook myself, never have taken such an interesting and challenging road, but one I felt was so incredibly important to achieve myself. With my passion for helping others and the subject of bulimia deeply cushioned within my heart. I felt incredibly enthusiastic about the importance of the delicate guiding and nurturing on the journey while listening to the book.

To buy the book click on the link below and let me know what you think.

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Bulimia Sucks! Audiobook QR code

Coloring Books With A Difference


    This coloring book not only calms and relaxes you but has an added sprinkle of extra support in your bulimia recovery. If you love mandala coloring books, then join Kate on a journey to discover what will be your next steps in your recovery path as you practice your creative skills and calm and relax at the same time.

    So when you are struggling with life’s stresses, you feel anxious, guilty, shameful and all of the other negative thoughts thrown on top. This coloring book will help to guide your mind to calm and quieten your negative thought patterns as you focus on creating your mandala masterpiece.

    So, this coloring book is an incredible way to calm yourself and, with the added bonus of supportive questions, to motivate your mind to think differently about how you can help yourself forward on your recovery path.

    Grab your copy NOW… for that extra help in your recovery.


    This coloring book not only calms and relaxes you but has an added sprinkle of extra support in your recovery. If you love mandala coloring books, then join Kate on a journey to discover what will be your next steps in your binge eating recovery path as you practice your creative skills and calm and relax at the same time.

    So when you are struggling with life’s stresses, you feel anxious, guilty, shameful and all of the other negative thoughts thrown on top. This coloring book will help to guide your mind to calm and quieten your negative thought patterns as you focus on creating your mandala masterpiece.

    So, this coloring book is an incredible way to calm yourself and, with the added bonus of supportive questions, to motivate your mind to think differently about how you can help yourself forward on your binge eating recovery path.


    This stress-relieving, calming coloring book displays an incredible collection of 35 relaxing, easy-to-color patterns. With beautiful, inspiring quotes of wisdom and added motivational questions to guide you forward in your recovery.

    This coloring book not only calms and relaxes you but has an added sprinkle of extra support in your anorexia recovery. If you love mandala coloring books, then join Kate on a journey to discover what will be your next steps in your recovery path as you practice your creative skills and calm and relax at the same time.

    So when you are struggling with life’s stresses, you feel anxious, guilty, shameful and all of the other negative thoughts thrown on top. This coloring book will help to guide your mind to calm and quieten your negative thought patterns as you focus on creating your mandala masterpiece.

    Kate personally suffered 15 years of horrific bulimic and anorexic experiences. Now, 25 years entirely free from anorexia and bulimia.

    21 years ago, she trained as a psychotherapist, hypnotherapist, and NLP practitioner. Kate then continued to train in many other therapy areas, one being an anxiety therapist and the other an eating disorder therapist. Helping clients overcome their anorexia/bulimia/binge eating disorder completely.

    So, this coloring book is an incredible way to calm yourself and, with the added bonus of supportive questions, to motivate your mind to think differently about how you can help yourself forward on your recovery path.

Another coloring book…AND… coming soon is the new book “Anxiety Hacks.”


    If you love mandala coloring books, then join Kate on a journey to discover what will be your next steps in relieving you of your anxiety to help you feel calmer while you practice your creative skills and relax at the same time.

    So when you are struggling with life’s stresses, you feel anxious, fearful, and all of the other negative thoughts thrown on top. This coloring book will help guide your mind to calm and quieten your negative thought patterns as you focus on creating your mandala masterpiece.

    Kate has been working as an anxiety therapist for the past 22 years. Her wealth of experience, knowledge, and her added artistic flair, created this coloring book to help you with your anxiety more positively, leaving you feeling calm and relaxed.

    Kate is the author of ‘Bulimia Sucks! 10 simple steps to stop bingeing and purging’. The Bulimia Sucks! Personal Workbook & Food Journal. Also, the Coloring Books for Eating Disorders range.

    Grab yourself a copy now of this powerful coloring book to calm your racing mind and feel relaxed.


    Penned from both sides of the therapeutic couch. From age 5, struggling with her separation anxiety behaviors, psychotherapist Kate has drawn together the most powerful selection of strategies into one enormous bundle of calmness squeezed into one book for those suffering from anxiety or panic disorder.

    In her powerful self-help guide, Anxiety Hacks, is tailored to help anxious, panicky, or stressed people. Kate Hudson-Hall shows you how to break free from your anxious behaviors and enjoy a calm, healthy life.

    Anxiety hacks is available on Amazon.