If you need help with your eating disorder take a listen and learn from others as Kate chats with people who have RECOVERED

If you are looking for insight, help or guidance with an eating disorder then take a listen as I chat with people who have or have overcome an eating disorder and also to people who work with eating disorder clients. Its facinating to hear how people have managed to overcome their eating disorder completely.

Podcast Review:

“Kate's approach to food & body is relatable, loving, and humorous! Kate's interviews allow listeners to get an inside look at what it's like to struggle with food as well as provide hope that recovery is totally possible. I was honored to be a guest and want to thank you Kate for this amazing platform!” Beth


Wahooo, as of September 2022 we have published 100 episodes with 28,986 downloads since we began 18 months ago. We have achieved a huge goal. Thank you to everyone who has joined us in the support for helping so many.